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Jan 10, 2014

FRESH FACE FRIDAY [& Blog Hop!]: Meet Kayleigh & Germany Ja!

Welcome to the first Fresh Face Friday of 2014! Hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the new year. Have you ditched your resolutions yet? Yeah, me too. There's always next year! But anywho...I'm happy to report that since the start of Fresh Face Friday's last June, I've introduced 40 fabulous bloggers to you! What a trip! Each one of these bloggers and their blogs have become a part of my own blog reading list and, even better, have become dear friends out in blog world. I never thought opening up this type of ad space would ignite such a wonderful response from my fellow bloggers. This spot has become the most popular advertising option I've ever offered and it's all because of the great bunch of like-minded gals that keep this spot booked each month. I hope that even after over 6 months of sharing new and old bloggers to you, that you still find each Friday feature (and the blog hop!) something you look forward to at the start of your weekend. I know I do!

That all being said, I am brainstorming some ways to change Fresh Face Friday's up a bit. Not because it's not working (thankfully that's far from the case!), but because I want to keep this advertising option 'fresh'...exactly as the name suggests. So, that's where I want to hear from you guys! Past Fresh Faces, future Fresh Faces...I would LOVE for you to fill out this little Google Doc and tell me what you'd like to see most in an advertising option. Do you like the option to co-host the blog hop? Would you rather be a part of a duo giveaway instead? What advertising perks are most important to you? Fill out the doc, submit it, and expect a little surprise in your inbox from me just for helping a sista out. Sponsorship is a tricky thing, but I want each and every one of my sponsors to get the best possible experience when choosing to support my creative space. You work hard to earn your money, so I want to work hard to make those dollars count. You know I appreciate you guys, right? Good! Now enough blog housekeeping...let's meet this year first two Fresh Faces! And be a doll and link up to the blog hop while you're here, mmmkay? Happy Friday, dearies!



Meet Kayleigh...the thoughtful author behind The Way I Wanderlust blog. Kayleigh and her guy, Jason, have recently moved from the shores of Australia to beautiful Nova Scotia. Over on her blog, you'll find tons of stunning photos of Nova Scotia, fun travel recaps, and peeks into Kayleigh's life as a wanderer. I love keeping up with her adventures! Head on over and make friends, y'all!

Kayleigh's Favorite Posts:
30 before 30
The Way Travel Has Changed Me
Animals of Australia

My Favorite Posts:
Stradbroke Island Part 2
Ingonish, Cape Breton
The Expat Diaries


If you're looking for info about moving abroad, specifically to Germany...then Germany Ja! is the site you should visit! Over on this comprehensive moving and travel-centered website, you'll find dozens of articles on where to go, what to do, and how to get almost anywhere in Europe from bloggers who've been there, done that. Germany Ja! is also a wealth of information for anyone researching what moving to Germany entails. 

From their website: "Our site is aimed towards American/English speakers (mostly military, but everyone is welcome) who are stationed/living in Germany. Germany Ja! is one of three (soon to be four) sites that make up Overseas? Yes! (the others are www.okinawahai.com & www.koreaye.com). The goal of our sites is to turn "Overseas? YIKES!" into "Overseas! YES!" by offering as much information as we can to make your overseas assignment feel like home. We have lots of articles about PCSing, German culture, and advice for exploring your host nation and its neighbors. Another big difference in our site is that we want to collect as many points of view as we can. We are run on contributor power and welcome all writers to write for us to share."

Posts I've Contributed to Germany Ja!:
Wiesbaden Christmas Market
Celebrity Cruises
Stuttagart Christmas Market

Fun Posts You'll Find on Germany Ja!:
Top 6 PCSing Tips
Luxembourg American Cemetery & Memorial
European Driving: What's Required?


Welcome to the
No prompt, just fun!

Hosted by: Casey @ We Took the Road Less Traveled

Rules for hopping:
1| Follow your host & co-hosts (first 3 links), pretty please! 
2| Link up your blog's homepage or Bloglovin' page.
3| Hop around, meet new bloggers, and leave them love!
4| Have fun? Spread the word and share this blog hop with your friends!
5| Want to be a co-host? Click here for more info! 

Grab a button and share the blog hop love!
We Took the Road Less Traveled
Tweet about this blog hop!


I appreciate your feedback, friends! I read every comment and try my hardest to respond to each one, but if your email address isn't attached to your blogger profile, you might find my response in the comment thread instead. As always, thanks for reading!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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